Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flaky Skin On Dogs Back

Formative Assessment Activities

always said that the comments are the best of this blog, did not say as a thank you to those who read me, but because they are a source of inspiration and ideas are better than those of entry. This is the Rosa comment about vs continuous assessment. formative assessment:

It seems a bit bold of me to comment on this matter when I lack the necessary knowledge about it, but as a student I've been I think that traditionally tend to identify with the evaluation or control review and what is valued primarily is that the student knows content. This what actually ends up happening is that the teacher becomes a machine to correct tests and assignments and the student ends up hating school and so sick of testing or control.

Perhaps the fundamental problem is that so far this has not been able to convey to students the idea that evaluation is not only his performance, which is succeeding in the teaching-learning process, but also is an instrument to assess attitudes and skills, which shows the weaknesses of the learning process and where the student has difficulty to allow the establishment of media, techniques or activities that help to overcome them, and it is a mechanism that allows the teacher to check to what extent objectives are achieved and to adjust or redirect them.

Why not spread all of the above. Maybe not the lecturer is believed the aim with the evaluation? Do you see it impractical and impossible to achieve as it is oriented system?.


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