Thursday, March 3, 2011

Compliants Against Vein Clinics Of America

Roundtable: Master Teacher

Participants in the roundtable:

studied in Zaragoza. 55 years of desk and still ..., for her "In the rural school to the multicultural"
1967.El Plan is a teacher first plan required to be a bachelor for access to it.
began his work in "Our S ª Begoña", then the unity of Romans, in Zaragoza in schools Joaquin Costa, Juan XXIII, Santo Domingo, Zalfonada, Cortes de Aragón. Now the Ana Mayayo.
was Student Advisory and Educational Participation in the UPE of Zaragoza several years.
Have you been outside schools in Bogotá and in Tangier.
I love this profession who knows perfection and that is given ... for the students, their education, their futures ...

studied Magisterium and after a few years Psychology. Entered the educational world with substitutions and particularly as an entrepreneur, with an academy.
But his passion has been and is the development of the Roma community. From literacy, youth education, women, ... the recovery and promotion of Roma culture, ..., with great difficulty and with great enthusiasm.
Today, FSG, promotes comprehensive plans for this group, ..., in all sectors, education, employment, housing, solidarity, personally, share the two cultures, is ahead of its time and its environment ...

has taught university campus Teruel, now professor emeritus.
was rector of the campus of Teruel, ..., also rector of students.
His passion, education, study, innovation, research, ... And so many things.
Now you're passionate about doing something well, is Director of the Institute of Teruel, employees of the Provincial de Teruel, where science and culture together, ..., and tracked, studied, and disseminated through conferences, symposia, lectures, tours, visits and exchanges, and ..., with the magazine Turia

studied the Diploma of elementary teachers and then he studied pedagogy in higher levels.
has been a teacher in Poleñino and Sesa Unit and later in Sancho Ramírez Huesca.
Research at the school, rural school support and technology information society, audiovisual, radio, digital whiteboard, ... - always from innovation and new methodologies as part of their educational priorities all from the Resource Center and Orchard Angües CPR and Huesca.

decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and dedicated his career to teaching. On his return to Spain is studying the Bachelor of Aquinas College, where he met his friend José Antonio Labor detailed. Then how to become a teacher at the Normal School of Zaragoza.
approved competitions in 1951 and works as a teacher until 1959 when she marries and goes to live in Teruel, where her husband worked as an official.
In Teruel extended his studies at the College, when it was founded in 1972, he graduated in Philosophy at Zaragoza.
in 1980 calling for the re-entry into the body of teachers but can not place in Teruel. Subsequently, dedicated his career to adult education and distance and leads the center of its kind in Teruel until 1990 and retired in 1996.
has published in collaboration the book: " education: a shared illusion" depictions of the experience of their parents shot at 36.

Teaching studied Zaragoza and is a specialist in Education and Language and Hearing Therapy and a Diploma in Law at the UNED.
was a deputy in the Congress of Deputies at the beginning of democracy, where he participated in the presentation of the Handicapped Act, and the Committees on Education, Universities, Foreign Affairs, Public Works and Justice and Home Affairs.
In 1987 he was elected councilor of the Municipality of Zaragoza, where he coordinated the area of \u200b\u200beducation, culture and youth.
In 1991 he was re-elected Councillor of the City of Zaragoza and was appointed Deputy Mayor of Culture and Education, serving as President of the Education Commission of the City Council and Vice President of the Board of Education, Library, Dining and Popular University Zaragoza.
During these 8 years was part of the Education Commission of the English Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
In 1999 he held the Chief of Unit School Counseling in the Department of Education and Science.
Since 2003 he is President of School Board Member Aragon and Continuing Education Council of Aragon.
is part of the Advisory Council of the Federation of Adult Education since its foundation, a member of the Executive of the Association of former deputy and former senator of the English Parliament and the Executive of the Association of former councilmen of the City Council Zaragoza.

Finally, all of them ... an impressive resume ...


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