Sunday, February 27, 2011

What's The Difference Bettween Tea & Zinger

Interdisciplinary Encounters at 30,000 feet. Day

This measure the height in feet is a plane, it seems paradoxical because the feet have to do with the land, the ground beneath our feet and they tell you when you're in the air.

I think another time I wrote how I meet interesting people at airports with which it is not known because you start to "attack buttons." But other times, when I wake from a nap, the nap that I just get on the plane, also beginning to talk with the guy or vice versa because I have face that I like to listen. (Another day story as in a small Austrian town, from a car asked me for directions).
Well, the other day I met an entrepreneur who is dedicated to telling future employers that the company is in the design and innovation. Wow what a coincidence! If that too me and I dedicate this blog entry: " design" is at the top.
And we talked a little while as we landed, - damn nap - interdisciplinarity, of Finnish education, skills and attitudes of teachers, project work, design classroom space, ... A lot of issues, because wow what a coincidence, both were born in Zaragoza and belong to the club mixed couples.


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