snowdonia adventures of the last few months looong
Well well well ... long after a bit I will update the blog and so I enterais everyone how it goes around here and the latest news ... ... everything was left at the end of our honeymoon, so from there I'll start the story:
The return to normal life was a little odd. On the one hand we had the feeling of being super happy with a lot of memories in our head and wanting to see photos, videos ... on the other side was the mundane life of work + home. Gradually the feeling of reliving those moments pass and continually going entering the day to day again. As We pass through here lately, time is not ... fly. So without realizing we put in winter. This year we could not go there for, well, Ali yes, but I only 1:30 am I had left on vacation (which I still have them by the way), so as good married woman wanted to stay with me. But we were lucky that the parents of Ali came to be with us Christmas and New Year ... luck??
For Christmas Eve we get together with other English around here and we had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner, with lots of food, desserts, laughter and even the king's message. Christmas was more quiet, and it was just getting together to eat again. From there, Ali worked 3 days straight so that parents and I took a trip south to the coast to Brighton to see friends. It was a journey of 2 days and although it was short, was intense and took time to see almost everything there is to see over there. Then back to work .... well ... not really, the day I joined work after the holidays caught what he thought was a cold, with malaise, fever and headache, so I stay home . After sleeping all day and taking pills, morning was the same, and the headache was becoming more intense and painful, so Ali took me to emergency. Alli well ... I did the typical tests of tension, fever, pulse ... So far so good ... but of course then came the blood tests ... and ... everything started. Alicia came with me and I warned the nurse that I was prone to faint seeing my blood ... but ... he began to draw blood and take blood and blood drawn and clear ... what happened had to happen ... that I lost consciousness. When I awoke, it shattered, with 7 or 8 people around me speaking English (as if I could say anything at the moment and less in English) ... Alicia and I get the time crying and with a shock of the tournament. (He then told me that I had been seen with his eyes and almost convulsing). Total, that after all that, they told me they wanted me 3 more tests, an x-ray, a brain scan (which already had long since I needed, lol) and a lumbar puncture from here ... of course .. . quiiiiiiiiiiiiieto for, lumbar puncture? I had suspected meningitis and clear if the chunga must be attacked from the start, so na ... broad-spectrum antibiotics and lupus digoooooooo to do the tests (house too). I did the scan and puncture radigrafia but we refused so I had to log in to see my evolution and rule meningitis. So from there, with the dropper and a mask throughout the hospital to the plant 10 of infectious ... room to myself, passing all through a window and all wearing masks, gloves ... as if his jooooooooooo plague. In the end, everything was left in a scare, thank God. It was not meningitis, viral influenza alone not long case to the antibiotics. The next day was already High in house and well, as it was New Year holiday to recover completely. After looking at the results of my multiple analysis (the good thing about working at the hospital and access) found out that he had influenza A. That end of the year, I spent recuperating, Alicia and her mother coughing and incubating the virus and withstanding all Pepe.
After all that, return to normal life. We started house hunting again. We currently live in a low and very warm (which is good for the cold winter) but the humidity is high and start to go moldy in some corners (which is bad for health). So looking to find a little house near where we live now, but tiny, but very light, turn aclistalamiento, a kitchen in a position ... so pa us.
So in these are ... aclimantando mudandonos and the new house. First we thoroughly clean play (to go if need be, because here is not that they are extremely PIGS piggy). After reorganization of furniture, we have passed the living room to the bedroom and the living room, so we now have electric fireplace in our room (which really romantic?). We bought a new sofa-bed for the possible visits. Well organized now.
The labor issue still getting better, and it is a shame, because when we will miss him (if they find work there of course!). Alicia has started college. A course paid by the hospital to prepare a nurse specialist in intensive care for newborns. The need for where this is now in intensive care ... (very, very premature infants problematic chung).
For my part, because improving a lot. According to the plan they have, they want me to stay in charge of systems that are used to send test results to physicians apart from that I'm the head of the entire system informatio genetic laboratories (takes longer) . This means that my boss, the former head of these systems will take care of paperwork and more paperwork to do and I monitor that everything goes well and no problems, peeeeeero this means more contact with people, so I have to get in touch with clinics (nurses, doctors ...) a little roll. Besides developing systems follow. It has a system for booking holidays in the hospital, but does not work very well, so we still use mine. I have developed another application to keep track of errors in some systems, multiple applications internally ... and well the last I am developing is an application for communication and sharing of results / patients from different centers in the region (several hospitals .) The thing is what I have said (very latest news) is that I have to make an official presentations as Steve Jobs with his iPhone to look like a bunch of people, so they are looking for a salon or something and I looking for a flight to escape from the fucking I entered.
Other than that, I'm taking courses that train you like a lot here, so I still have some courses that use the hospital system to keep track of all (patients, tests, results ...) called Meditech . The course gives an American (an American system), and well here we go. I am also an English course (also paid by the hospital) to get an official certification ... if it happened, I'll have the English level of a person 16 years ... quite an achievement when my mental age is less, lol. A part of some courses as public speaking, dealing with customers, solve business problems ...
The sporting theme continues a bit stale. Let the football team 11 where it was, because there was a little Italian Mafia and the increasingly trained to put more players on the team. When I left we were more than 36 players for 11 positions on the team, so not to mention the wig. Now I continue with my paddling pool, play football here room with department team in the league on Monday (interesting name) and now with the proper time to run, I've joined with my friend Jose Mari to run the 10km London back in June. The weather
I'm not going to talk ... wet, gray, cloudy, rainy, cold ... are the most commonly used terms.
As curiously travels ... we are going next weekend with some friends to Wales and then at Easter (but just after) to Spain for 2 weeks, which falls to the car pass the MOT and repair parts. So we'll be there but not if in time of all visits required to have (sorry in advance).
Well, I think this is definitely a good summary of what happened in these past months.
PD .- The question is more designed for children ... and when? Well .... everything will come ... hehehe ellooooouuu estamosssssssssssss
trabajanooooouuuuuuuuuu in PD2 .- You will return to Spain? Yes, I'm English, Andalusian and Almeria and my country is my country, my customs are coveted and the food even more! PD3
.- For those who do not know, we bought a house in Aguadulce, ninth with sea views garage, tennis court, pool, storage rooms, 3 dormitories, 2 bathrooms ... (sigh) ... and will know our tour of the many dinners we will do there. PD4
.- But then ... when you turn ?...... Who knows? By the time the Real Madrid back to winning a league and so the country back to normal, lol (if I'm not going back to Betis never) ... but it seems that Madrid did not do me this favor ... we're thinking back late next year or next year. PD5
.- Interesting .... so for the Olympics will you be there? If peroooooooooo have limited space, so check to see if there are seats!
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