Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big Poofy Formal Dress

Istanbul - Izmir

After recovering from the previous day, again we came to another port excursions. So same routine ... breakfast and reunion. There we escorted from the port and we got on a bus with more English (uffffffffff) and German. After an hour of travel and a stop for people to buy things we arrived at the ruins of Ephesus. The day had started sunny and cold and ended up sunny and warm.
The ruins, although initially disappointed at the end amazing. They're beautiful and what remains is wonderful and makes one wonder how bad we've evolved since then. Just to say that they made buildings with exquisite taste and comfort in mind people do not like now where you plant a 30-story tower in the middle of houses and well ... had other values \u200b\u200bsuch as the toilet was so public and shared all together .... we shat! And now You see, almost ashamed to teach us something ... (well a few English does not give true shame!)
Anyway ... all beautiful and a wonderful day. Back to the boat, lunch, siesta and the captain's cocktail. We put our best clothes and went to the theater. There was presented the captain (the only captain of the entire fleet is young and handsome ... and I planted on my honeymoon ... andaaaaaa that!) And the crew, we provide and we went to dinner ( the first day was the gala dinner that was.) After the show, a girl magician.


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