Friday, February 8, 2008

Email Thank You Subject


With Celsius , author of a great blog, I received the Arte y Pico Award This award created by the Uruguayan Eseya recognizing art and creativity. I did not expect something like this at all. I think that publishing the list of winners of the Awards Goya and Max the Awards Performing Arts this year in my last two posts has brought me luck because I do not know ... I'm very surprised because this is the third award that they give me since I opened the blog in November 2006.
Celsius, thanks for thinking of me. It was a pleasant surprise.

Now, I will comply with the rules constitutes acceptance of the prize and

• Awarded the prize have must link award show "Arte y pico" , so you can know the origin of this award.

• The winner must show the award and put the name and a link to the blog of the person who released it .

• In addition, the winner will choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award "Arte y Pico" for their creativity, design, interesting material and contribution to the blogger community, regardless of language.

• Each award will have the name of the author / author and a link to your blog so it can be visited.

• And, of course, exposing these rules .

And again, I delivery Award Arte y Pico to:

Vanessa by Acrobats. Tireless blogger beautiful style. The best you can find one in the blogosphere.

Senses & Nonsense for Diary of a journey impossible . For it is indeed a professional. His blog is an awesome source of knowledge!

Sparrow by The talking tree . Joy, courage, sweetness and magic are some things that can be felt to hug this tree.

The Tia Maria's by Station Albacete. Excellent documentation starting from the railway station cited.

Ana Kasi_Siempre by Where I leave, I find . Beyond that is my favorite, being objective, if anyone has art and peak here (among a lot of virtues), that's it. Who do not know should check with a look at your blog.

Congratulations to the five! You enjoy for a long time of your "art-something."


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