Friday, February 8, 2008

Email Thank You Subject


With Celsius , author of a great blog, I received the Arte y Pico Award This award created by the Uruguayan Eseya recognizing art and creativity. I did not expect something like this at all. I think that publishing the list of winners of the Awards Goya and Max the Awards Performing Arts this year in my last two posts has brought me luck because I do not know ... I'm very surprised because this is the third award that they give me since I opened the blog in November 2006.
Celsius, thanks for thinking of me. It was a pleasant surprise.

Now, I will comply with the rules constitutes acceptance of the prize and

• Awarded the prize have must link award show "Arte y pico" , so you can know the origin of this award.

• The winner must show the award and put the name and a link to the blog of the person who released it .

• In addition, the winner will choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award "Arte y Pico" for their creativity, design, interesting material and contribution to the blogger community, regardless of language.

• Each award will have the name of the author / author and a link to your blog so it can be visited.

• And, of course, exposing these rules .

And again, I delivery Award Arte y Pico to:

Vanessa by Acrobats. Tireless blogger beautiful style. The best you can find one in the blogosphere.

Senses & Nonsense for Diary of a journey impossible . For it is indeed a professional. His blog is an awesome source of knowledge!

Sparrow by The talking tree . Joy, courage, sweetness and magic are some things that can be felt to hug this tree.

The Tia Maria's by Station Albacete. Excellent documentation starting from the railway station cited.

Ana Kasi_Siempre by Where I leave, I find . Beyond that is my favorite, being objective, if anyone has art and peak here (among a lot of virtues), that's it. Who do not know should check with a look at your blog.

Congratulations to the five! You enjoy for a long time of your "art-something."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Can Dogs Catch Herpes


And, why not dedicate a space for theater awards?

broadcast on English TV , the gala began with ten minutes behind the scheduled time, and was presented by Alvaro Fernandez Novoa and Maria Galiana, which, to everyone's surprise, criticized the approach of dates for celebration among Goya Awards and Prizes Max.
This is the list of winners:

PLATFORM , the French writer Michel Houellebecq, is a lavish spectacle of Teatre Romea, which tells the story of a journey to a wonderful haven for sex tourism, with a dose of criticism of unbridled consumerism and a nod to Islamic terrorism. This work, which was favorite in the awards with 8 nominations, won 2 Max :

Best Supporting Actor: Carles Canut.

Best Lighting Design: Xavi Clot of AAI.

Marat-Sade , the playwright, painter and German writer Peter Weiss, Max managed 3 Awards for Performing Arts of 6 nominations

Best Show of Theatre: Marat / Sade of Animalario and the National Dramatic Center .

Scene Best Director: Andrés Lima.

Businessman or private producers for the Performing Arts: Animal Facility, for Marat / Sade.

AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE , Henrik Ibsen, won 3 awards Max of 4 nominations:

Best Actor: Francesc Orella.

Best Adapted Skit: Juan Mayorga.

Best Composition Musical stage show: Luis Delgado.

4 nominations and 3 awards for mounting Max child Little Paradise:

Best Set Design: Elisa Sanz.

Best Costume Designer: Elisa Sanz.

Best Children's Show: Aracaladanza .

RISE AND FALL OF THE CITY OF MAHAGONNY , Bertolt Brecht's original, has been the highlight of English Theater of Madrid. The show was awarded 2 prizes Max 3-nomination:

Musical Theatre Best Entertainment: The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, English Theatre.

Best Musical Director: Manuel Gas.

A production of the English Theatre: Homebody KABUL (AT HOME, IN KABUL) , by Tony Kushner. Full with 2 nominations and 2 awards Max :

Best Actress: Vicky Peña.

Best Supporting Actress: Gloria Muñoz.

Other awards Max Performing Arts:

Show Award Disclosure: FROM THE INVISIBLE of Quintana Teatro (Madrid).

Best Show Dance: SPITTING IN TIME, the "Dance Company Erre que Erre, SCCL.

Best Choreographer: Blanca Li, from POET IN NEW YORK.

Dance Best Female Vocalist: Mar Gomez, WANING GOD.

Dance Best Male Artist: José Jaén "El Junco" by Gypsy Ballads.

best playwright in Castilian: Juan Mayorga, EL CHICO DE LA last row.

Mejor Author Theatre in the Valencian Catalan: Toni Martin and Carmen Portaceli by Fairy.

Mejor Author Theatre in Euskera: Maite Aguirre, Ines Martinez and Santiago Ortega of Iturrate for Children Cabaret (Kabaret HAUR) .

Mejor in Galician Theatre Author: José Manuel Varela Palacios, Candido Palacios Gonzalez, Suso de Toro, Angels and Sumai Sonia Delgado, for emigrants.

Ducky Baby Shower Wording


Ya sé that Soy poco original published something like this, but what can I do? Professional deformation ... José Corbacho

conducted the gala for the second consecutive time
broadcast on English TV with a delay of thirty minutes. On this occasion did not achieve the intended audience despite its peculiar humor.
This is the list of winners:

THE ORPHANAGE , Juan Antonio Bayona, is the highest grossing film of 2007 (it was seen by nearly three and a half million viewers) . Backed by critics and groups, was chosen to represent Spain in Oscar . Started as the favorite with 14 nominations, of which has been 7 Goya Awards:

Best New Director: Juan Antonio Bayona.

Best Original Screenplay: Sergio G. Sánchez.

Best Art Direction: Josep Rosell.

Best Line Producer: Sandra Hermida.

Best Special Effects: David Marti, Montse Ribé, Pau Costa, Enric Masip, Lluis Castells and Jordi San Agustín.

Best Makeup and Hair: Lola López and Itziar Arrieta.

Best Sound: Sabih Mas, Marc Orts, Oriol Tarrago.

13 Roses . Emilio Martínez Lázaro film involved in the controversy over treat an episode of the brutal repression under Franco (opened just when they are debating the adoption of Law of Historical Memory . Had 14 nominations, of which has won 4 awards Goya:

Best Actor: José Manuel Cervino.

Best Original Music: Roque Baños.

Best Cinematography: José Luis Alcaine.

Best Costume Design: Lena Mossum.

SEVEN FRENCH POOL TABLES , de Gracia Querejeta. With an outstanding female cast has gotten 2 Goya Awards of its 10 nominations:

Best Actress: Maribel Verdú. She lives
one of its best practitioners: to star in Francis Ford Coppola film with Matt Damon.

Best Supporting Actress: Amparo Baró (absent from the gala).

UNDER THE STARS . Felix Viscarret film that combines drama and comedy quite accurately. 2 of 7 Goya Awards nominations

Best Actor: Alberto San Juan.
After thanking and sharing the prize, in its polemic tone, the actor called for the dissolution of the English Episcopal Conference in protest at the political activity of friendly bishops PP.

Best Adapted Screenplay: Felix Viscarret.

[REC] is the genuine horror film by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza. Have already acquired the rights for the American remake. 3 nominations and 2 awards Goya:

Best Actress: Manuela Velasco.

Best Editing: David Gallart.

LA SOLEDAD , Jaime Rosales, was the winner of the night. It is an intimate and existential film has been the surprise of this edition. From this week re-release again in theaters.
On this occasion, the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain has given some of the most important awards to auteur of our country. Making full with their nominations, the film won Goya Awards 3:

Best Picture.

Best Director: Jaime Rosales.

Best Actor: José Luis Torrijo.

Other Goya Awards:

Goya of Honor: ALFREDO LANDA . Thrilled, the actor went blank when collecting the award for his career (ciencuenta years of uninterrupted!).

Best English Language Foreign Film: XXY, Lucía Puenzo (Argentina).

Best Original Song: "Fado da saudade" , Fernando Pinto do Amaral and Carlos do Carmo, for FADOS .

Best Animated Film: NIGHT , a magical adventure , Victor Maldonado and Adrian Garcia.

Best Animated Short Film: THADDEUS JONES AND THE DAMN BASEMENT by Enrique Gato Borregán.

Best Documentary: INVISIBLE , Isabel Coixet, Wim Wenders, Fernando Leon de Aranoa, Mariano Barroso and Javier Corcuera.

Best Documentary Short: HAPPY MAN by Isabel Lucina Gil Márquez.

Best Short Fiction: SALVADOR (STORY OF A MIRACLE EVERYDAY) of Abdeselam Abdellatif Hamed.