Anyone, that is ignorant,
believes possess at least a
of the keys to the chest of wisdom ...
and perhaps be right.
Gil Bejes Sampao
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Fox Body Mustang Subwoofer
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Maybe so ... perhaps he was the son of King Wladyslaw III.
So I read a startling article hiszpankim dzieniku "ABC".
Different countries think of Christopher Columbus as their citizen ... among others, Italy, Greece, France and Scotland. But according to historian Manuel Rosa (who recently wrote a book called "Columbus"), he was of Polish origin.
Wladyslaw III fought against the Turks and was killed at the Battle of Varna. But Manuel Rosa (who has 20 years explores life of Columbus) thought otherwise: Władysław III of the Turks managed to escape and hid on the island of Madeira (Portugal). There he was known as "Enrique, el aleman", and married a Portuguese szlachcainką.
From this union was born Christopher Columbus, who preferred to hide their origin.
There are two arguments in support of this theory:
- Christopher Columbus married a Portuguese woman, coming from the upper class (because he, too, belonged to the same class of the Portuguese).
- Christopher Columbus had a very good knowledge of astrology and geography. Therefore, there could be a son of a craftsman from Genoa (as they say in Italy).
Manuel Rosa asked the Department in Krakow with the exhumation of King Wladyslaw III, to compare his DNA with DNA of Columbus (who is buried in Seville.)
Amazing Deals On Eastern Trail Diggers
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mouse Driver For Moakuo Gateway
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Life is full of signals;
Signs to smell
signals are
palpable signs
signals you hear
signals to know
invisible signals.
receiving signals
signals dream you
implausible signals,
signals destroy you
signals overwhelm you
hidden signals
and circular signals.
Signs point you
signals to signals
signals that do not have
signals to be
and signs that do not return
signs, signals where you are going?
impeccable Signs
imperfect signals
untouchable signals
indifferent signals
hate youand those you love.
signs demanding
nonbelievers signals
amoral signals
and permanent signs
Countless signs!,
And those signs are coincidences
and therefore no longer be great signs.