Thursday, December 10, 2009

35 Weeks Pregnant Sinus


Dearest Fran:

In our conversations about everything. There are no forbidden subject, but sometimes very I speak subtly of time, over time, of those things that happen to live in and we will not repeat anymore. Disgusts me the obvious gulf between us, but nobody is to blame ...
Today I decided to let you know all that already guessed and avoid me.

The best days of my life passed away. do not accept that we have a path and a different route. We had a friendship in which we share joys and sorrows together. By your side rediscovered the meaning of art, especially theater. Regained the taste of alcohol, desire, the will to live. A hat is seen more by the time I remember with you. I wear it burned into me, and Thanks to him, we had invented a story. I know that I am mistaken in doing so, it does me no good because it is a lie, but I get a breath of hope and encouragement to believe, to follow.

I dreamed a thousand times with you, with chance meetings and other premeditated. I tweaked and blurred each gave me kisses on the cheeks, dragging them to my lips. I've pulled from our common past as a resource to build a present and evoke a possible future: a joint clubhouse perhaps a tour, perhaps a shooting, a red carpet, a life full of media and popular recognition, success and fortune for both. Otherwise
me a long enough stealth experience. I better with that. I have not much, but I'd trade it all for you. Although I do not know if I can with all this! I have a bag ready in case some day ... For if you ever call me and gag me forcing me to accept a new destination for both, my greatest folly, my only desire.

magnet for me, you were always very independent. And that is why I would never have imagined so enamored find another and happy without it being about me. You never stop surprising me, in this case to my chagrin ... So forget that it is not me you go to bed every night and do not ever want to, and use my mind to feel your body. Halagaré I admire and even more than now. Chase you'll follow. Will cut each press release, keep each of your interviews. See you at the theater and film, and will shake me from my chair. Buy your movies and you'll go through each frame. Celebrate your winnings. You

Sometimes I have the feeling that attempt to conquer vain, that this is a losing battle.
is a pity not to choose which life to live.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Maxine Cartoon Paraphanalia


We can not go on much longer, but I want is he who makes the first move. I prefer a negative reaction on their part to the stupid situation útlimo days to live together without living together.

I get up off the couch when I feel suddenly opens the bathroom door with violence, beating, and walk down the aisle. Seeing that everything is just that, I'm sorry again, I light a cigarette and make a fake shopping list for you to believe that I am involved in a task, to provoke him.

- sausage, eggs and milk - .

not fail. Back to cross the aisle to haunt.
This game is the ultimate children. It makes me giggle at the thought.

- Condoms - .

The truth is I did not expect him to go so badly to take that word, let alone to give vent to tackle the kitchen. What a way to draw attention!
I go to the kitchen to watch the antics.

- OK? - , I say leaning against the doorway.

For no good. Now gives to throw me to hate everything he can get. I cover as I can, and I think some people have gone through what I did. I also know that others in my place would be shit, crying and begging God knows who (perhaps God) to end now.

- Want to stop the fuck up? - , he yelled.

I do not. At the moment I have no fear of ghosts.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spinal Stenosis And Gas

- The situation is very serious -.
- Can not you do anything for him? -
- Given the circumstances ... Only you can save your blood -.
- According -.
- Francisco, know that later we can not do anything for you if you agree ... -
- I'm ready -.
- Think of it -.
- I'm ready -.
- All right, I will have everything at once. You must sign here, and here too -.
- Will I be at your side? -
- Yes, no problem. Now let sedarte to make it easier -.
- No. If you'll be the last thing I want to feel him -.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Texas Paper Drivers License


One night that death will go to fetch it

love me not wanting to pay with your life.
scream and not be under anyone. But today

dreamed of playing cards and your soul is so dark even

face shakes his good place is air.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Teeth Are Depressing Me


Soraya Arnelas "sent us to hell" all with their first album. Then two more albums with the versions of the successes of the eighties, giving the target and making a respectable niche in the music scene, in addition to a demanding public. The work of his fourth album radically changed his registration to offer a new style and musical aesthetic. In other words, a perfect trip in four years.

By popular vote, represented Spain in the Eurovision Song Eurovision . The girl defended there Caceres The night is for me , simple and catchy track with a touch of Arabic, and made bright and energetic action .
So far, so good. Results

performance in Eurovision: penultimate position (24 th) with twenty points (12 to Andorra, Portugal, 7, 3 from Switzerland and 1 from Greece).

Now is questioned and even condemned by people with certain criteria and knowledge of Eurovision has not taken into account several things:

→ Every time does more harm the "neighbors" and the ropes between the countries of Eastern and recent acquisitions Balkan participants. English TV

committed the grave error of delayed broadcast of the festival's second semifinal. Members of the EBU (European Union Broadcasting) study the penalty for Spain by this breach of regulations.

→ After six years of absence, is retold with a jury which, together with the "televoting" determines the score of the proceedings.

→ The dress of "ice skater" Soraya, as some have defined a design is composed of more than 10,000 gemstones and Swarovski crystals .

→ Thanks to the culture of party and disseminated by Franco bulls laugh at us, and fetch and carry as they want. So I propose that English TV does with the EBU as well as Pedro Almodóvar with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain , a good cut of mangas, like Italy.

Many have preferred to draw Soraya rather than recognize these and other shit that for almost twenty years with us. Hypocrites! Anyway ...

this week is said Soraya reappear in Idol, which already showed signs of strength on stage and announced that it would become a great artist for his Mein Herr, among other famous performances.

After all, can this small puncture in Eurovision will come even better for his career, already more than reinforced with a gold record and two platinum.

Monday, May 11, 2009

American Apparel Circle Scarf Instructions


Clara complexion was as smooth as its name. The girl's clothes mixture kept pure soap smell and recent iron, mostly in ivory blouse. There were many people in the car, but most were gawking at her walk to her seat by her beauty and dress. And she is aware of the eyes, remained calm and quiet as it moved, but never shy. A short distance

felt Travel intrigued by travelers who shared his seat: front, a brown woman of graceful wrinkles, peasant or washerwoman, who ate an apple crisp that squirrel, and his right, a strong knight. Clara began to twist her wavy dark hair between the index and middle fingers, making loops with smooth twists of the wrist. Looked askance at the handsome young man, and when he thought he discovered quickly turned his face toward the opposite side, hiding, as interested in the scenery of the mountains of Madrid. He understood that the man was certainly preoccupied with something fun and his lips drew a grimace of joy.

The old stressed the heaviness of the trip with noises from their bites and Clara told him that he was upset with a look a bit rough.

- Want a young? - the woman, with a simple gesture of kindness and exceptional. - You will see how rich -.

Clara, surprised, shrugged and held out his hand.

- seem fresh, thanks -.

A jolt made the old woman's bag fell to the ground and all the apples that had come out roll abruptly. Apples own life suddenly seemed. The Clara jumped out of his hand and sat in the crotch of the girl, who soon recovered from his abstraction.

- Ah, I'm so sorry, sir! Excuse my stupidity! - very nervous.

- Do not worry, it was not her fault, Miss - smiling, as he removed the block. - Take -.

Silence. Clara and still looked young. He's still smiling, her eyes narrowed, her lips tightening.

- can eat if you want ... -. Then

Clara laughed a nervous laugh scandalous, unable to stop. And he, after thinking about what that reaction came, he joined the fact out loud too.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How To Make Guy Hair Less Poofy

acknowledge that my vocation for the interpretation comes from far away.
"What I can do?" , I thought. I lay on the floor, I focused my attention on listening to it and waited. Now playing possum ... Shortly after my sister found her back, motionless. I moved with force, but did not respond. Scared, climbed up a shelf full of books and toys to the top. He shuffled as he could looking for something, and when given with what he wanted, he returned to the ground from a jump. I held my breath as I could. I was dying of laughter inside as he felt he had been worried:

- I count to three to get up or else you'll see! - confused.
- One Two ... Three! - Silence.
- Do you wake up or not? - asked in vain.

Seconds later tried to revive me with all his might hit me in the mouth with a military baton. I broke the upper lip and left me a bit of a tooth. I was screaming bloody mouth, looking for my mother

- That what you get for wanting to scare me! - she claimed.

Until it was disappearing, the roughness of the tooth preventing me from moving the tongue too, and it was a nuisance. Slowly I got used and did not give any importance to the new situation. The broken tooth became a sign of identity. As time passed, I was receiving comments and views of all kinds:

- makes you different, special - a family member.
- I like it because it reflects your opposition, your default - among friends.
- I've noticed just that ... - the pickups.
- Do not even get by, eh! - coworkers.
- How did you? How cool! - when he knew people.
- What ever you do not have picked for a role for that? - others.

Sixteen years later, I decided to make the aesthetic enhancement of the tooth. And I want to dedicate this episode with all my love to my little sister, Carmen, author of the clearest trace of my childhood and adolescence.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How To Hang A Closet Bar From A Wall


→ A board game very similar to the movie Jumanji , although much more advanced, comprehensive and commercial. A dark-eyed boy advised the board unfolds with great emotion. Place all figures in single file: a violent monkey, an elephant and a pelican calm circumspect, among others. The massive table supports a kind of zoo education. Then appears another child. This is skinny, very dark and friendly. It could be the seventh of all the brothers. Both kids seem to be well understood.
The mother appears to help, as it does in a system with everything and everyone, to play. The older sister is involved watching the young, smiling and attentive. The median is struggling site, is endorsed on the cards and takes the dice euphoric. The small runs around there while the other brothers sleep. The mother places and disturbs. Whoops, clutter and chaos between them. The dark-eyed child is nervous because just a half game on the floor and throws a kick a chair against another, far. The father gets up and goes to him

- What do you give a shit! - said fast and dry.
- Give it! But they, too! It was by all! -, "the boy with a dry throat, agitated.

's father changed his expression and impotent to his seat thinking that response.

→ For one day I who falls to the bread. Inside the bakery, the man who preceded me has given the whim to buy some cakes. He seemed pleased with his acquisition and I thought "Say yes." The bad thing was when it came time of payment. Instead he began to tell the baker: "I'm from Barcelona." Repeatedly. And this to me I froze. It was not invaded by the fans feel culé , much less. I thought for a moment that had coincided with my father. Pay at the same time we left, I before.

My father just hit me.

Today I am depressed, and I can not change my status neither awake nor asleep. It comforts me to think I can give a hug to my father whenever you want, even though he did not feel anything because he was not sane.

Friday, March 27, 2009

North Face Jacket With No Logo On The Back


Today birthday is Theatre. And I am proud to live so close.
passions is one of the highlights of my life as many of you know. In my case, I've seen it grow (in me) for almost a decade. Let's say that behind her mask, the Theatre is a young attractive, wonderful and very special while unstable. You require dedication and work, and to serve him on a platter your own experiences to feel fabulous things. And it's true what they say about that sucks you in like a drug ... So there are times you must tell "No, I do not feel in the mood to go drinking, I'm sorry" . What do you do to refill the bag of life, full of emotions and share it with him afterwards, because abandoning it would abandon you too.
From our ancestors it was responsible to confess to other people's stories as valid today even scary. Own stories in order to accounts.
is an enigmatic type who plays with the truth and falsehood, a paparazzi , a communicator innate busybody best of all time.

The School of Dramatic Art in Castilla y León celebrates this essential event in style, this year only by students of the school. The actors and spectators, the memory of that mixture of nerves, excitement and celebration.
The program includes:
- Reading Manifesto International Theater Day.
- circus skills workshop.
- Meeting of musical creation.
- Sample scenes (students of 1 interpretation.)
- dance-theater show "The vast majority (Secondary 2 students interpretation.)
- Performance "Serata futuristic" (students of 2 º of interpretation.)
- Sample scenes (students of 3 º of interpretation.)

Al Teatro, this faithful friend who embraces you with shit, tomatoes and applause, and all his fans and supporters, happy day!